First and foremost I want to thank ISKSAA for providing this opportunity to go to abroad and allowing us to have a wonderful experience in the world of Orthopaedics.

Although I was selected for Lancashire travelling fellowship for the year 2019, due to various reasons it got postponed and finally I went to UK on 21st May 2023 with two of my colleagues Dr Arnab and Dr Kritesh. Three of us rented a house for a month in Burnley and we settled for the day.

Next day we went to Royal Blackburn hospital and met our fellowship Supervisor Dr Makaram Srinivasan sir and we got a very warm welcome. He not only gave an overview of the department and the kind of work they do in Burnley General Hospital where elective surgeries are done and in Royal Blackburn Hospital where mostly trauma surgeries are done but also introduced to other consultants. He was so kind to us that he himself made coffee for us at the OT lounge on the first day and also bought us lunch many times during the stay. He is one the stalwarts in Shoulder surgery with vast knowledge and experience so for me he is a teacher, a mentor and a guide.

I have keen interest in Shoulder and knee Arthroscopy and arthroplasty so was delighted to see and assist Dr Mohan sir, Dr Kamath sir and Dr Sarin sir. They all helped me to fine tune my surgical skills and also discussed interesting cases in depth.

We also got to meet Dr Hadi, Dr Marrinissen , Dr Cullen, Dr Sharpe and Dr Bokhari and attend many interesting cases of theirs.

We even attended fracture clinics with Dr Srinivasan sir and Dr Sarin sir and we saw and learnt their way of approaching a patient in OPD.

It was a healthy and happy working environment in both the hospitals, staff are so friendly and of helping nature especially the OT staff as they were so kind to us, they helped us in orientation and letting us know their way of working and behaviour in the theatres.

To make the most of our travel to UK on weekends we visited and enjoyed places like Preston, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Brighton.

Overall it was a great learning and travelling experience. I have to thank each and everyone of them for all the pleasant experiences and memories from Lancashire.


DR Sumanth Lakshminarayana

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