Secretary Message

Dear ISKSAA members,

I take pride in welcoming you all as the Secretary of ISKSAA. In this day & age of information overload, the challenge is to find information relevant to your practice. We at ISKSAA strive very hard to sift out clinically relevant information to you through our annual meeting. One very exciting new venture that we hope to roll out to you soon is the "ISKSAA Academy", an academic body comprising of Orthopaedic thought leaders across India & the globe, who will filter out high quality academic content for your consumption. Look out for regular updates on our website & start following us on twitter @isksaacalls to stay in touch with our executive board.

We have also initiated the ISKSAA PODCAST series on a monthly basis . Do revert with your suggestions for any improvement .

We are gearing up for the upcoming ISKSAA event on 8th November 2024 at New Delhi , June 2025 in Leeds UK and October 2026 in Adelaide , Australia . It is a long journey, but we have already taken first steps to ensure that it will be a landmark meeting, marking a paradigm shift in the way medical meetings are conducted. The future is exciting for ISKSAA, let us take the momentum forward.

Dr Raju Easwaran
Secretary ISKSAA.


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