Executive Director's role
It is an honour to be a partner in the growth of ISKSAA to stand out as a major body to provide opportunities to our younger colleagues in training, education and fellowships.
ISKSAA is already one of the fastest growing Orthopaedic Association in the country with around 2300 members ( India & Overseas ) from over 42 countries in just 12 years and hope to cross the 2500 mark by the next Congress. With a fullfledged prestigious ISKSAA Fellowship program in place with over 500 Fellowships already awarded and 30 editions of its official, peer reviewed, SCOPUS & EMBASE Indexed, online scientific journal Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery ( JAJS ) published, ISKSAA is on the path of growth in training & education initiatives.
ISKSAA will now focus on more CME programs, cadaveric workshops and other Scientific meetings with year long interaction and not just one annual meeting. Surgeons will be provided one to one learning exposures to improve their skills and add new knowledge. With further trade & research collaborations and increased membership from the Asia pacific Region, ISKSAA will be able to provide more training opportunities to our members.