Our sincere thanks to
- Dr. Pushpinder Bajaj & Prof LalitMaini: The ISKSAA Team.
- Dr. Sanjeev Anand, Consultant Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust.
At the outset we would like to express my gratitude for Dr. Pushpinder Bajaj, Prof. LalitMaini and Dr. Sanjeev Anand for selecting us and giving this cherished opportunity to attend two weeks ISKSAA BASK traveling fellowship. A specialthanks for Dr. Sanjeev Anand for organizing our whole fellowship program and for being the dependable local guardian you could always rely upon.
My co-fellowDr. Narinder Kumar, and me were in constant touch on phone after we got selectedand we met in Heathrow airport London on 27th march. From there we took train to reach south port on where we scheduled to attend BASK annual meeting. We attended BASK ANNUAL MEET on 28th and 29th March. It was truly enriching experience for us to be able to listen to stalwarts of knee surgery and at BASK meeting. Little free time we got spent in exploring Southport.
After BASK meeting Dr. SanjeeevAnand dropped us to Leeds, St. James hospital where our accommodation was booked. We took this free time during our three-hour journey to interact freely with Dr Sanjeev Anand. We found him very friendly and free to interact. He stopped on the way for us to fetch some groceries and briefed about fellowship program.
Next day after finishing our paper work we headed to Chapel Alerton hospital where our two weeks fellowship program was scheduled.Dr. Sanjeev Anand introduced us to orthopedics team and other orthopedic surgeons of hospital. As our fellowship progressed, we came in touch with the stalwarts of Orthopedics Surgery having the best mix of sub-specialties ranging from Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty to revision surgeries of shoulder, knee, hip. We found all consultants were friendly to interact. We observed variety of surgeries like unicondylar knee replacement surgeries, shoulder replacement, meniscal repair, meniscal root repair, ACL reconstruction, Hip and ankle arthroscopic surgeries. During break time we had good discussion about cases with other consultants and learned systemic approach to difficult cases, revision cases and learned tips and tricks in managing them.
Apart from the surgeries, we attended the clinical meetings and were part of the clinical discussions that followed. We got an opportunity to attend Yorkshire Soft Tissue Knee Meeting on 7th April. In meeting, difficult knee cases were discussed by consultants of other hospital in Leeds. Meeting was followed by dinner where we interacted with other consultants.
Friendly guidance and advise by Dr Sanjeev Anand made our stay very much comfortable so much that we never felt that we are away from homeland. We enriched with knowledge by this fellowship,which we can apply in our day-to-day practice. I personally experienced that Dr Sanjeev Anand is not only a great surgeon but also a great teacher. I was delightful by the way he told me the technique of using fast fix, which he demonstrated on a piece of paper, also Heartily thanks for him for giving me suture passer which I am using in my daily practice.
We took our leisure time to explore Leeds and Scotland. Leeds is young and vibrant city of UK, great place to brush up on local history, shopping hub with lovely parks and restaurants. During weekend we visited York city and Carlisle. We got reimbursement towards onward journey and stay after completion of fellowship.
Over all this fellowship was very useful for us academically. Well-organized and prior communication helped us to make greatest extent utilization of short period for our intellectual and personnel development. We came back to India with new ideas, pleasant memories and knowledge that have helped us for becoming more mature surgeon.
We are very thankful to all the Selection committee members of ISKSAA and BASK for selecting us for this fellowship.
A special Thanks to Dr. Sanjeev Anand, for all the help he has provided in terms of sending letters for VISA, coordinating with the BASK members and suggestions for the visit. We are also thankful to all the hosts in UK, all the surgeons and other staff for their help.
Dr. Prasad Soraganvi
Associate Professor
Joint replacement and
arthroscopy surgeon
Kuppam, A. P. –517425
Col (Dr) Narinder Kumar
Senior Advisor- Orthopaedics
& Joint Replacement Surgeon
Military Hospital
Pune- 411020
Dr. Richard Parkinson(immediate past president), Dr. Prasad Soraganvi,
Dr. Narinder Kumar, Dr. Colin Esler (president), Dr. Tony Hui(secretary). - BASK committee.In operation theater with Dr. Sanjeev Anand
Dinner with Dr. Sanjeev Anand