
My Adelaide Experience IMRI Fellowship

Dear Dr. Pushpindar Bajaj,

Greetings from Madurai. First of all I should thank you and Dr. Lalit Maini for this IMRI fellowship a Great initiative of ISKSAA and IMRI. Kudos to Prof. Dr.Jegannath Krishnan, Mr. Donald Bramwell and entire IMRI team for all their efforts in making this fellowship program a great success.

Previous Fellows have given a detailed day to day description of work pattern which was more or less to the mark.

This fellowship made me wiser not only academically but also culturally. To me this Australia (IMRI) fellowship means following,

  • A – Amazing Adelaide.
  • U – Unique experiences.
  • S – Sharing of knowledge, ideas and culture.
  • T – Team work, Teaching and Techniques.
  • R – Research oriented, Responsibilities.
  • A – Advance technologies; Australian Accen.t
  • L – Liberty to Learn.
  • I – Interactive.
  • A – Adelaide Oval Stadium; Aussie footy.

17 Laffers road, Belair

Repatriation General Hospita

    Flinders Medical Centre

U –Unique experiences Koala and Kangaroo’s

    A - Advance technologies and Australian Accent

    A – Adelaide Oval stadium; Aussie footy

    Fellowship Dinner

    Final Moment


    Glenleg and Bondi Beach

    Blue mountains

    Vivid Sydney

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