This ISKSAA Travelling Fellowship under Dr Sanjay Desai Sir in Mumbai covers all major aspects of Shoulder Surgery.

You will get to see and learn management of most shoulder pathologies including Trauma, Instability, Arthritis, Rotator Cuff Disease, Frozen Shoulder etc.

Sir is a master of Shoulder Surgery which is know to all but Sir will also guide you on how to manage your time and also give his take on principles of practice in general.

Sir was very accommodating about my request for scheduling the 2 weeks earlier than planned to fit to my work schedule in The U.K.

Sir is very disciplined and meticulous about his work and more so about life. He is a Golf Enthusiast and if I may say, he does not fall short of being the best at that as well.

Sir will take you with him during the two weeks wherever he goes which involves 2-3 hospitals in Mumbai.

You will attend clinics, theatre sessions and also see patients postoperatively to encompass the complete natural history of the shoulder pathology concerned.

I had a great time with Sir in Mumbai and would certainly recommend this Fellowship under his guidance to takes tips from the Master himself about Shoulder Surgery.

Dr Nishit Jayant Shah


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