ISKSAA Lancashire travelling fellowship 2014 Report

I along with Dr Jaswinder was selected in the interviews conducted in September 2014 for a travelling fellowship of three weeks duration at the East Lancashire Hospitals, UK. We had booked our flight tickets to Manchester as per the guidance of Mr Srinivasan, our guide for the fellowship. Mr Srinivasan had already sent a person to receive us. He drove us to Blackburn to Whintingdale cresent. Mr Srinivasan had arranged for our accommodation at Croasdale Street, Whitingdale cresent which was very close to the Royal Blackburn hospital. Mr Srinivasan came down to meet us and discussed plans for the next day. Next day we were picked up by Mr Srinivasan and we went to the department of orthopaedics and traumatology at the Royal Blackburn Hospital (RBH). There he introduced us to Mr Q Choudry the director of orthopaedics and we attended the morning trauma meet. Following which we underwent a check up at occupational health and after which we were issued our identity cards for the hospital by Ms Kathrine. Then we went to the theatre of Mr Choudhry for observing an uncemented THR. The day ended with a trip to Asda which is a marketplace nearby our place of stay and got some daily supplies.

Next day we went with Mr Srinivasan to Burnley General Hospital (BGH) where we met Mr Mohan and Mr Rajesh Sarin and Mr Saikia other consultants for the ELHT. We observed revision THR being performed by Mr Mohan. After this we went to Grisburne Park Hospital (BMI Group) with Mr Sarin to observe a TKR. Next day we attended the outpatient clinic of Mr Srinivasan, which we found was an altogether different experience for us. Use of Dictaphone to record the observations and the coordination by the staff was amazing. I was really amazed by the way Mr Srinivasan was managing the outpatient fracture clinic. His clarity of the conditions and way of explaining the condition to the patient was noteworthy. Quick decision making was also appreciable. In the afternoon we went to BGH and observed All in technique of ACL reconstruction by Mr Goyal. In the next two days we observed surgeries by Mr Srinivasan and Mr Mohan along with few by Mr Shah.

In the weekends we went to Blackpool and Windermere for local sightseeing. These places were suggersted by Mr Mohan and My Ahmed (our host at whitingdale cresent). Both the places were amazing and we enjoyed the trips. The weekend was great and so was the weather on the two days.

As Mr Srinivasan and Mr Mohan were both in Irelend for FRCS exams we were guided and looked after by Mr Shiv Aithal and we are really grateful to him for organising everything to the smallest details. We followed his surgeries on Monday along with Mr Sarin’s. The plantar plate repair which Mr Aithal did was amazing. He also performed few image guided injections into the ankle and subtalar joints. The technique which I observed was simple, effective and easily reproducible. These techniques would help me in my clinical practice a lot. Next day Mr Aithal had arranged for us to observe the surgeries by Prof Robin Paton. He is someone greatly interested in teaching and we observed a revision open reduction for a failed DDH surgery, in which he also performed femoral shortening and derotation osteotomy. The other case we observed was varus osteotomy and ABP for subluxated hip in a patient with cerebral palsy. Next day we attended the theatres of Mr Shah and Mr Saikia where we observed Total hip and total knee by them, each done in a different but unique way. The next day we attended the audit meeting of the department where all of the department was gathered and had the chance to listen to presentation from the registrars. In the afternoon Mr Srinivasan had arranged for a lunch for us in the OT complex and then we had the chance to observe few trauma cases. On Friday we went to Beardwood hospital with Mr Srinivasan where we observed an arthroscopic Bankart’s repair and a rotator cuff repair. He performed both the procedures with dexterity and ease and also kept on describing the steps which was of great help. We asked our questions and clarified the doubts freely and he was kind enough to explain all the points raised by us. Next day Mr Srinivasan

Next day Mr Srinivasan drove us all the way to Writington where we had the opportunity to attend one of the teaching sessions being observed for the MCh students by Mr Raut. We had a good one on one interaction with him and discussed the details of the MCh programme and also the fee structure. We also had a healthy discussion with the students, most of them were actually Indians. We got a genuine idea about the course, the job profile, its pros and cons and the fee involved. Next day we went to Manchester for a sightseeing trip and even though it was raining the whole day we really enjoyed the trip.

The last week started with a shoulder surgery in the form of a reverse shoulder arthroplasty performed by Mr Srinivasan, which was amazing. The procedure was performed fluidly by Mr Srinivasan and he described it step by step to us It was followed by arthroscopy of ankle by Mr Aithal. He also performed a hallux valgus correction in the afternoon session. Next day we observed by Mr Srinivasan perform arthroscopic surgery on shoulder for rotator cuff injury, impingement and also one case of clavicle malunion. Next day we followed Mr Shah and Mr Kevin Sharpe. In the evening Mr Srinivasan took us to his home for Dinner. The hospitality of Mr Srinivasan and ma’am Chitra was very good. We has a sumptuous homemade dinner and good and frank conversations which lasted till late in the night. Next day we observed ulnar shortening osteotomy, PHILOS by Mr Srinivasan. In the evening we had dinner with Mr & Mrs Srinivasan, Mr & Mrs Mohan and Dr Kiran at an Indian restaurant and had good conversations with excellent words of advice regarding our careers from Mr Srinivasan and Mr Mohan. The next day was our last and we obsereved a bankart’s repair by Mr Srinivasan and one THR and a TKR by Mr Choudhry.

I spent the Saturday doing some shopping and left on Sunday for London where I spent two days for sightseeing before heading back home.

Overall, it was a nice experience. The love, affection and support received from Mr Srinivasan and all other consultants was exemplary and the cooperation received from the OT staff in each of the four hospitals we visited was praise worthy. I was able to see the work culture in the field of medicine way different than what I’m used to. I believe my trip would be helpful in my day to day practice.


Prateek Behera

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