It gave me immense pleasure and honour to be a part of ISKSAA'S fellowship program at Missouri OrthopaedicInstitute, University Of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA

I express my sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to Dr. LalitMaini and Dr. P. S. Bajaj for selecting me for this prestigious fellowship. This fellowship exposed me to one of the kind, generous, caring and excellent Hip Preservation & Joint Reconstruction Surgeon Dr. Ajay Aggarwal. He is a gem of a person, always ensured that I felt one amongst them during the clinics or Operating room. He is a dynamic humanitarian with good operating skills and a very good teacher. His command over Hip & Knee arthroscopy & Arthroplasty surgery is unimaginable.I'd like to thank him for everything he has done for me..I'll also have his words of guidance in my mind always,to establish myself as an exclusive Joint Replacement Surgeon in the future.. I have assisted in various surgeries including primary & revision hip and knee arthroplasty, hip & knee arthroscopy and periacetabular osteotomy surgeries during my fellowship. the other teachers in the dept were Dr. James Keeney and Dr. Thomas Aleto along with Residents Dr. Alex, Dr. Jeff, Dr. Israel and Orthopaedic technicians Katie, Tracy and Laurie who ensured for me had a good experience in the Operating room or clinics..A unique person who needs special mention at this juncture is Dr. Israel.. He is a great human being.. My thanks extends to Mrs. Kristan, a sweet hearted lady who helped me in all my paperwork. Thanks to Mrs. Susan who also helped me in paperwork. My heartfelt thanks to Mr. Briyan who helped me in each possible way. I would like to thank every staff of Orthopaedics department of Missouri OrthopaedicsInstitute, Each one helped me in their own way. I traveled back to India with a heavy heart, after learning so much and knowing so many good people in Columbia... Thank you Missouri OrthopaedicInstitute, University Of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA..... You are so nice ..thank you everyone ....



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